This comes in handy in the game and for now could be considered the end-game gameplay as those are what you are trying to acquire and then level up to increase your capabilities. Remove the grouping symbol so that numbers can be pasted directly to the game. Fortuna is the better of the gold ancients and is useful regardless of play style. Level your Ancients to your heart's content with this tool. : The cap is the maximum number of HS a primal boss can reward for Transcendence Power, after the effects of Solomon. Display some information related to TP rewards.

Calculator now automatically executes when data changes. For a more detailed explanation of each outsider, go to this page. By gaining ancient souls (AncientSoul Ancient … Iris is a late game ancient and khrysos isn't really worth the hs. ragefifty50 Notes that this is considered save-editing. It kept suggesting me to add points to ancients that are used for click damage :/ #10. Please make back-ups save and use with caution. So far I have 20k HS after 1 transcendence and Dora lvl 12, mimzee lvl 50, morgulis lvl 50, solomon lvl 50. Optimization for hybrid and active playstyles included. With this ancient, and Dora, Treasure Chest will make up all of your Gold earned as they start giving thousands … Clicker Heroes is an idle game made by Playsaurus, the developers of Cloudstone, a popular MMORPG.Some features include an Export/Import feature, mute, option for lower quality, manual and auto saving, offline progression, hard reset, achievements, statistics, a skill bar, 45 heroes, and the ability to donate for perks. It starts at 5% of your Hero Souls sacrifice and can be raised by 0.5% or 10% of the cap by leveling Borb. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Ancients that help you throughout the game are key to being successful in Clicker Heroes Hacked, as they are essential to increasing your DPS which is known as damage per second.

Remove the "Load game and optimize" button. If you do not know, this game was hyped 18 to the 18th power times, only to reveal that the devs had completely lied about 85% of … Popular All Time. Add information about how many HS need to gain some more AS. It kind of depends on your play style (active clicker or idle or half and half) and what your first ancient is. The ancients are now listed in alphabetical order. See also: /u/Shruikan864's Rules of Thumb 1.0 Spreadsheet and /u/sugima's 1.0 Rules of Thumb.